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The use of incendiary weapons against civilians is forbidden since 1949.
The earlier bombing of Tokyo by incendiary weapons killed some 100,000 people.
Thermite was used in the military as an incendiary weapon.
M4 is used in fire bombs and incendiary weapons.
Incendiary weapons carried by the aircraft exploded and started several fires on the ship.
White phosphorus is used in incendiary weapons and smoke grenades.
Then they kvetch about using incendiary weapons in a city like Falluja.
The grenade was also very effective as an anti-personnel and incendiary weapon.
However, it is an incendiary weapon and may be used against enemy combatants."
Greek fire was an incendiary weapon used by the Byzantine Empire.
Such large machine-thrown bolts were ideal for incendiary weapons.
According to a police spokesman the incendiary weapon never hit the police cruiser and failed to cause any damage.
The convention also defines weapons which are not to be considered to be incendiary weapons.
He also stressed that the white phosphorus munition is neither chemical nor incendiary weapon.
Incendiary weapons cause damage by fire.
Our bombs and incendiary weapons have flattened Iraqi cities and caused great civilian losses.
Amnesty International also warned against "reports that Israel has used incendiary weapons, such as white phosphorus shells"
Protocol III states though that incendiary weapons do not include:
Each was also equipped with a fully covered deck to deflect arrow fire, musket-shots, and incendiary weapons.
The MK-77 is the primary incendiary weapon currently in use by the United States military.
White phosphorus is an incendiary weapon.
Fire and incendiary weapons were used against enemy structures and territory, as well as personnel, sometimes on a massive scale.
"They hit the forest with some sort of indirect-fire incendiary weapon, and now they are advancing through it Powered vehicles.