It was one of the deadliest scourges, killing one in three victims, peasants and monarchs alike.
Tolstoy describes them, too: servants in livery, merchants, peasants and people in ethnic clothes.
His original interest was in peasants in the Kedah state of Malaysia.
"Party leaders wanted huge meetings and trucked in peasants which Salinas felt were a waste of time," he said.
But limits on campaign spending have raised new questions about the cost-effectiveness of trucking in workers or peasants to applaud at every stop.
Since the local doctors were not interested in peasants and not trusted by them, he began to help them.
He showed himself ready to make concessions to the principle of private ownership in the case of the small landowners, or peasants.
Many wealthy families also owned huge estates, resulting in landless rural peasants working on the property as virtual slaves.
Meanwhile, Tarashkyevich's grammar had apparently been planned to be adopted in the workers' and peasants' schools of Belarus that were to be set up.
In the two minor estates, burghers and peasants, Swedish also held sway, but in a more varying degree depending on regional differences.