Their total imports are about $1.5b and exports something less than that.
Total imports fell 6 percent in January, to $34.8 billion, about $500 million below the average a year earlier, today's report also showed.
The total imports in that year were only 135,264,881 lb.
In 1995, only about 10 percent of its total imports were consumer goods.
Manufactured products now account for almost half of total imports to Japan.
Total imports of forest products in 2000 amounted to $10.3 million.
Chinese exports to many other countries rose even faster, while its total imports increased by only 8 percent.
Refined petroleum accounted for 10.2 percent of total imports in 2002.
Refined petroleum accounted for 10.2% of total imports in 2002.
In 2008, total imports reached US$1.393 billion, an increase of 42.1 percent over the previous year.