I opened the door to the autopsy suite and was immediately enveloped by frosty air.
Lord is immediately enveloped by a magical plume of flame.
The plane was immediately enveloped in flame; and, shortly thereafter, the aircraft's depth charges exploded.
Vimes stepped inside, and was immediately enveloped in dusty darkness.
Leaving the circle of light, Jeffrey was immediately enveloped in darkness.
He is enveloped in light and immediately around him is very bright.
His full dress suit was immediately enveloped in black.
Sheffield and everybody around him were immediately enveloped by the familiar grip of the transport beam.
You walk in and you're immediately enveloped with a luxurious feeling: marble floors, pristine elevators.
As she pulled up in front of the house she was immediately enveloped by a stillness that was deep, fragrant, and significant.