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Cold as it was, he had an ice bag on his head!
Sometimes, you need to lie down with an ice bag on your head.
She called for an ice bag and continued to teach.
A body was between the two layers of ice bags.
The living dead had not come to get him: just some rubber ice bags.
They bring the ice bag to the player who has been bruised.
Decker stared at his wife, then took the ice bag.
At your side, on a tray, is an ice bag.
We put him to bed with an ice bag.
How about an ice bag for that lump on your head?"
"Not with two ice bags," she said, taking them gingerly from his hands.
Martinez did hold her serve in Game 10 immediately after the ice bag incident.
There must be an ice bag around here somewhere.
After leaving the game, Damon wore a large ice bag on his left shoulder.
He retreated to the bench at the end of the game and pressed an ice bag to his face.
But when he got back to the dressing room, Bell sat there with an ice bag on his right knee.
Between shifts, he put ice bags on his hand.
He continued playing, but was wearing an ice bag on his wrist in the locker room.
Grandma Miriam put an ice bag on it, and the swelling went right down.
As if to prove the point, Matt was suddenly crying and holding an ice bag to his right eye.
He is putting ice bags on his sore left wrist between shifts.
He spoke with an ice bag on his right ankle, which was sore from stopping a shot.
Matt uses the ice bag to smash the window, and they all shout for help.
She took an ice bag from the table and laid it gently on his swollen temple.
Soon after injury, an ice bag may be applied to relieve pain and swelling.