Combining stated and revealed choice research to simulate preference dynamics: the case of hybrid-electric vehicles, 2009.
The conversions boosted FedEx's fleet of hybrid-electric vehicles by more than 50 percent to 264.
In January, Toyota placed its first incentives ever on the small hybrid-electric vehicle and started a national advertising campaign.
As of August 2010, JAC plans to make electric or hybrid-electric vehicles at an as-yet-unbuilt production base.
Q. What if you had hybrid-electric vehicles the last five years?
Plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles (PHEVs) purchased in or after 2010 may be eligible for a federal income tax credit of up to $7,500.
Instead, Ford said it would invest in other forms of alternative fuel technology like hybrid-electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cells.
Some of these, like solar power, hybrid-electric vehicles and small, hand-powe-red gadgets are already catching on.
Push-button starters have also become standard on hybrid-electric vehicles, like the Toyota Prius.
At this writing, most production full hybrid-electric vehicles use Atkinson cycle engines: