Even in those areas where vitis vinifera now predominates, hybrid varieties still have "cult following" with some wine consumers.
Although less sweet, they are often described as more tender and flavorful than hybrid varieties.
In sweet corn, losses are as significant as hybrid varieties, but are only utilized on a periodic basis.
In the Chuao plantation there are currently pure Criollo and hybrid varieties of cacao being grown.
He said that the Burpee catalogue offers a wide range of both open-pollinated and hybrid varieties, so that anyone who wants to go to the trouble can save seeds.
These hybrid varieties have combinations of traits derived from both parental types.
We know we must avoid hybrid varieties.
Wild grapes were again tried as well as hybrid varieties from the United States.
The plants are heat tolerant and will set fruit in temperatures above 30 C. Fruit matures 4-5 days before TAM Mild Jalapeño I and most hybrid varieties such as 'Mitla'.
Simmonds hope was to develop hybrid varieties that would take on the best characteristics of both parents, with color and flavor of the Indian line and the flavor and disease resistance of the southeast Asian mangoes.