Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Still some are hybrid systems, funded in part by industry and government.
This results in the creation of a self-regulating hybrid system.
A hybrid system adds another dimension, an alcohol breath test.
It is also possible to have a hybrid system that uses gravity and pumping.
Although I believe the newer hybrid systems have this built into the image sensor.
Hybrid systems are a common tool in the financial services industry used on trading floors.
Some businesses are creating hybrid systems of satellite television and local cable.
Hybrid systems are those that mix discrete and continuous behavior.
Haddad is known for his contributions to the theory of hybrid systems.
Ford says that it will get close to 40 miles per gallon in city driving, where the hybrid system is most effective.
In some Member States there were no charges at all, while others used hybrid systems.
The electricity for the town is provided by a wind-diesel hybrid system.
It is a hybrid system that allows trading both on and off traditional exchanges.
The operation of the hybrid system is as transparent as possible.
It is unclear how the proposed merger would affect that hybrid system, if at all.
A number of hybrid systems that incorporate the methods from both camps are beginning to appear.
Peugeot says the new hybrid system should get up to 141 miles per gallon of gas.
We may, in fact, be moving toward a hybrid system, something different from both traditional capitalism and socialism, without anyone even noticing.
We've spent 65 years now on the development of a hybrid system - partly private, partly public.
A hybrid system would allow Americans to decide on their nominees more deliberatively, and with better information.
There is, however, always the possibility that some part of the special hybrid system, most often the large battery pack, will fail.
In certain backwaters, some of these hybrid systems are still in use.
This model enables compositional modeling and analysis of hybrid systems.
The hybrid system includes a new inverter, motor and battery.
This hybrid system is part of government policy to increase the use of renewable energy sources.