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Typical cases of inappropriate priority include distributing hunting licences by lottery.
I don't remember which politician said it but he said some thing to the effect that "Patents shouldn't be used as a hunting licence".
In France, to buy a weapon, a hunting licence or a shooting sport licence is necessary.
Blaine Malcomess had arranged entry permits and hunting licences for them.
But still he went shopping and renewed his hunting licence, bought a new fishing reel and cassettes of country music.
In all the country Statskog also manages hunting licences and allows for travel and tourism in the nature.
"We are buying the hunting licences in the Selous Game Reserve and tearing them up," says Joubert with glee.
In most countries where Greater Scaup are hunted, a duck stamp is required along with the normal hunting licences that are required to pursue other game.
Secondly, what is the Commission's view of another change to the same law, which makes it no longer compulsory to have passed a test in order to obtain a hunting licence?
When Burton visited Chicago, Sears executives granted him a hunting licence to follow up the possibilities but also made it clear they would retain veto power over the results.
Gone was the old Game Department that issued hunting licences which, for a nominal fee, allowed settlers to hunt wildlife in all areas but a few Game Reserves.
In Scotland, deer stalking and red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) hunting occurs sustainably because hunting licences are owned by the landholder.
There are hunting tales and diaries, precious illustrated books on birds (in particular on woodcocks), some manuals telling what to do to obtain the hunting licence ans several encyclopedias.
It's what they call in governmental circles, an IDIQ or Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity contract, described elsewhere as merely a 'hunting licence.'
Duffield knows that Hatari resides in an area that Jeroge is known to frequent and that Sir Vincent can use his influence to get his hunting licence back.
Hunting licence ditto, but small game only, vermin, as it isn't quite the deer season yet, also driving licence to replace the provisional one I had waiting for you with the Hertz people.
Their general duties enforced fishing and hunting licences, providing customs and excise functions, livestock brand inspections, managed trap-line permits and dog licences, Vital Statistics and served civil court documents.
Bolan would also be introduced to Harold "Hal" Brognola, head of a Mafia task force, who would offer him a "hunting licence", which Bolan would refuse, saying the government should not be associated with his illegal crusade.
He obtained one semi-automatic 9 mm Glock 17 pistol legally by demonstrating his membership in a pistol club in the police application for a gun licence, and the semi-automatic Ruger Mini-14 rifle by possessing a hunting licence.
You understand, Commander, that you and I are about to connive at various felonies, starting with obtaining a Canadian hunting licence under false pretences and being an accessory to a breach of the frontier laws, and going on down from there to more serious things.
"Well,' the bearded one began, 'we did ask weeks ago how to apply for a hunting licence on Petaybee, after some Corps buddies of ours told us about all the game here, but we never got an answer so we figured, backwater planet, wide open, anything goes."
Based at his royal kraal at Bulawayo, Lobengula was at first open to Western enterprises in his country, adopting Western-style clothing and granting mining concessions and hunting licences to white visitors in return for pounds sterling, weapons and ammunition.
Surmising that Duffield will use his hunting expertise to track down and revenge himself on the terrorists in general and Jeroge in particular, they escort him back to Nairobi and revoke his hunting licence until the situation and Duffield cool down.
The third and most important point is that the penalties for those who break the rules have been increased to a fine of € 14 000, two years imprisonment and the permanent confiscation of hunting licences for repeat offenders; in other words, the second time round they are shown the red flag and sent off.