It is usually found growing in woodlands on north faces of hillsides and in humus soil that is covering limestone.
As a garden plant, it prefers good drainage, half to three-quarter a day of sun, humus enriched soil, and deep watering once a week.
Growing naturally in rain forest understory, they also require shade when young, as well as moist, humus rich soil.
The plant requires a well drained humus rich gritty soil and a sunny position.
Inside, the foot shell was filled up to a height of two-thirds with humus soil on which the skull lay.
The plant prefers part shade and humus rich soil.
The forest fire had also destroyed much of the available humus soil.
Mixed forests with oak have given the country its most fertile humus soil.
They will grow in sun under these conditions in good humus rich soil but they are susceptible to sun- and wind-scorch.
This community mainly inhabits rocky terrains which have accumulated a humus soil.