The Chinese swimming team was trying to lug a lifetime supply of human-growth hormone into Australia recently.
This is not the body produced by human-growth hormones or, for that matter, even working out.
The rest were for steroids, masking agents, human-growth hormone and other substances.
And Balco aside, some of the biggest gains in artificial performance enhancement over the last decade have come from difficult-to-detect yet highly effective human-growth hormones.
"Athletes from third-world countries are willing to take steroids and human-growth hormones because their people are starving," Salazar said.
There will be no tests to detect substances like human-growth hormone, insulin-growth factor and products that work essentially as artificial blood.
The process, called chromatography, is a first step in making groups of drugs like human-growth hormones, insulin and medication for heart disease, anemia and hemophilia.
In the N.F.L., where there is no test for human-growth hormone and players are as big as buildings, attendance is soaring.
As an example, he cited the lack of a test for human-growth hormone despite 10 years of working toward one.