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"The body is the basic unit of all human intercourse, including politics," he writes.
The loss of bank records was a tremendous blow to all human intercourse.
His body had been drained in a fashion far more literal than that of human intercourse.
French commercial traveler who spoke excellent English was the only human intercourse that had come his way.
Most spider names were adopted for the convenience of human intercourse.
All the niceties of human intercourse were sacrificed to the matter at hand.
Human intercourse has been corrupted by police intrigue under the Communists.
We know how it annihilates the spirit of citizens by poisoning human intercourse.
An alternative way of looking at this is to posit another principle also universally present in human intercourse.
His quality of ruthless innocence rendered him unsuitable for most human intercourse.
For me the life, and light, and sparkle of human intercourse were dwindling.
I get the food that I am unable to get from human intercourse."
It took me years to make the discovery that any real human intercourse could take place at a mixed assembly of people in their good clothes.
Music is the culprit in the medium's losing battle to relate song to the natural unfolding of human intercourse on stage.
He could unify and control - and time and experience had made his identity the more fit of the two for human intercourse.
Society, the supreme work of art (so they put it), is a delicate and perishable texture of human intercourse.
Because, probably, at his highest elevation, the poet needs no human intercourse; but he finds it dreary to descend, and be a stranger.
"Gossip is all about repudiation," says the professor, stressing how important this is for healthy, hardly silly, human intercourse.
She was a helpless exile among men, a creature banished from all human intercourse, a living soul locked in a tabernacle of flesh.
Mars's gravity well was therefore substantially mitigated, and all its human intercourse with Earth and the rest of the solar system made less expensive.
Why not invent human intercourse?
"My dear boy," he purred, "although human intercourse is well - nigh impossible without inference, most inferences are usually wrong.
For each of these forms of "marriage" bears the potential for producing a new being "as human intercourse in marriage produces a child.
In 1884 Human Intercourse, another volume of essays, was published, and shortly afterwards Hamerton began his autobiography, which he brought down to 1858.
Fiction seems to enfold the very act of human intercourse, enabling Marlow to claim that "we write each other's lives - by means of fictions.