Hugely impressed by Emma Goldman, whom he later referred to as his "spiritual mother", Li started a lifelong correspondence with her.
According to Boyd the three Americans were hugely impressed by Thompson's playing and expressed a wish to work with him.
Debra was hugely impressed by the extent of David's wealth.
The four judges were all hugely impressed by the strong power of her voice and she successfully passed through to the theatre rounds of the contest.
Everyone I spoke to was hugely impressed by the service they had received.
Whether an interstate, a toll road, and in particular secondary highways, we were hugely impressed by the quality and condition of the roads.
Daggers boss John Still has been hugely impressed with Ritchie's initial impact at the club.
Hugely impressed by Ursus' courage, the crowd exhorts Nero to spare them, which the emperor is not willing to do.
One wrote to the editor: "I was hugely impressed by what you have achieved.
They have been hugely impressed by the spirit in which you go about your business under the most difficult and dangerous circumstances.