Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
House sales fell 42 percent in June from a year earlier.
Last year, they accounted for 46.7 percent of house sales.
Town house sales, which many thought peaked last year, were up 17 percent.
The bright spot in the economy continued to be housing sales.
There has been a significant decrease in interest rates over the last year, so housing sales are much higher now.
House sales over the six months went up from 357 units for the previous comparable period to 409.
With a drop in interest rates, housing sales are expected to rise quickly.
Housing sales are not likely to go up unless interest rates decrease.
In the meantime, council house sales to tenants began to increase.
With the current rates of development and house sales this is expected to be achieved in approximately five years.
I refer to recent letters about the cost of house sales and also to an article today in your Property section.
While house sales continue to stall around the country, parts of London are thriving.
Like many of the English estate and house sales, the viewing will take place on the premises.
I wonder whether a new radical approach should be taken to the receipts from council house sales.
The average price for the seven house sales completed so far this year was $217,500.
Estimates suggest that since then, the number of house sales has fallen by about 40 per cent.
With demand for housing strong almost everywhere, the number of house sales topped four million last year, more than ever before.
Sold: it's been a while since house sales were running at above-average levels.
Bond prices fell even though the housing sales report was weaker than expected.
No ceiling The revival in house sales is starting to push up prices.
While housing sales dropped annually from 2004 to 2008, prices continued to rise.
Housing sales are expected to tumble as a result of the increase in mortgage rates.
At that time new house sales in most areas of Houston had decreased by double digits.
Whether it be high street sales, house sales, inflation or the price of oil.
Newcomers from around the country are helping to drive housing sales in Raleigh.