After a hospital stay she was fitted with a artificial pacemaker and released.
Some hospitals allow parents to come into the surgery room and stay with the child, calming them until the anesthetic has taken effect.
"They felt the hospital should stay in Newark and not desert the community."
Similar research would be far more difficult in countries like the United States, where hospital stays for schizophrenia have also been cut back.
Connecticut insurance companies must now pay for 48-hour hospital stays after mastectomies.
After his hospital stay he is transferred to a new prison, where he has to share a cell with German prisoners of war.
His attorney told the media that he had made several hospital stays over the previous few months.
Doctors tend to encourage long hospital stays to increase fees through greater volume of business.
A long hospital stay like that would be demoralising to anyone.
His hospital stay when he broke his back after a fall, neither parent coming to see him while the boneglue set.