Many older Americans are planning their retirements in more detail, from their new communities to the hometown friends they want to bring with them.
Holly had already told his hometown friends in Texas that he would be singing "Oh, Boy!"
Fonseca's musical career started with a band called Silence 4, formed by a group of hometown friends.
Pulled over for a moving traffic violation, the ballplayer and four of his hometown friends, all black, got in a brawl with white police officers.
Their second was to provide them help maintaining ties with their birth families and hometown friends.
But just how much his hometown friends and family will get to see him play after almost four weeks on the injured list is the question.
Posner got his start producing his hometown friend Big Sean.
He opens it to find his hometown friend Lena Lingard.
When she arrived in China, she used a pay phone to call a potential employer, whose number she got from a hometown friend.
But interactions with their hometown friends aren't what they used to be.