Nevertheless, Chaz began another circuit of the darkened room, seeking weaknesses hitherto overlooked.
Wolfgang Wagner, together with Nicole Kronberger and Peter Holtz, extended the framework of Social Representation Theory by including Psychological Essentialism as a hitherto overlooked representational tool in thinking about natural organisms and social groups.
His most recent contribution published by Early Keyboard Journal centered on a hitherto overlooked authentic source for the Mozart Piano Concerto in C major K. 246 now at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
This hitherto overlooked species has been distorting results of fasciolid specificity/susceptibility analyses as well as the geographical distribution of the disease.
Yet around this precious recovery of hitherto overlooked information swirls a dispute that threatens to overshadow the art itself.
But the spine of "Case Closed" is a detailed portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald's life that sharpens the focus on areas hitherto overlooked or left murky.
The silent juryman, hitherto overlooked, now attracted attention.
There is then another element of comeliness hitherto overlooked in this analysis: the contents of the phrase.
However, it was not until almost three centuries after Willis, in 1945, that Karl-Axel Ekbom (1907-1977) provided a detailed and comprehensive report of this condition in his doctoral thesis, Restless legs: clinical study of hitherto overlooked disease.