The hips rotate, and sometimes the back foot swings forward to complete the hip rotation.
During this movement, your hips should swiftly rotate clockwise to add power.
This time, as his hip rotated slightly, she saw it: the bulge under his white coat.
Basic posture is a high front stance, right leg forward, with the hips rotated to face forward.
He fell to all fours, but that was a more comfortable position anyway, as his hips rotated.
Then she quivered, and her belly seemed to stroke his while her hips rotated slowly.
I felt her hips rotate and I knew I was getting hard.
The hips, torso, and legs rotate on the balls of the feet as a single unit, with the arms staying more or less stationary.
The hips will rotate slightly forward due to changes in the tendons so hip discomfort is not uncommon.
The hips do not rotate as much a crescent, but it is easier to obtain farther reach this way.