Jones attributes his Parisian subway experiences as highly instrumental to his by now blossoming career in his official biography.
In 2008, Filgate became established as a solo artist with his highly acclaimed instrumental album Worlds Within.
Dr. Charles Oberling was highly instrumental in this regard.
Banta served as national historian of Phi Delta Theta, and was highly instrumental in that society's expansion to new campuses.
To maximize those preferences actors behave highly instrumental through systematic foresight and strategic cost-benefit calculation.
Its chemical properties are highly instrumental in distinguishing it from other tellurides.
These inter-related issues - if not somehow bound together - are highly instrumental in the production of a chaotic state within the network of human reality.
This book will be highly instrumental in its treatment of contemporary issues of 'urban and regional and spatial' theory.
Charkviani was highly instrumental in organizing the production of weaponry and heavy military equipment (fighter planes, etc.) in Georgia.
Yeprem Khan was highly instrumental in the Constitutional revolution of Iran.