Their language is usually highly formalized, and they make extensive use of mnemonic devices such as alliteration.
Since this is a real, bona fide computer programming language, it is highly formalized (see formal system) with strict rules for how diagrams are to be built.
Even highly formalized, systematic rules such as laws and written rules of bureaucracy are never complete in their specification.
A blót may be highly formalized, but the underlying intent resembles inviting and having an honoured guest or family member in for dinner.
Mela M.'s large panels are cool and elegant, highly formalized but reminiscent of aerial views of urban grids.
Notwithstanding its seeming naturalism, Ms. Freilicher's imagery is highly formalized.
Also, the transition between the software engineers (step 3) and computer programmers (step 4) is already highly formalized by, for instance, object-oriented development.
In Japan's history, social strata based on inherited position rather than personal merits, was rigid and highly formalized.
The nature and allocation of the arias to the different roles in opera seria was highly formalized.
But the custom is highly formalized and deeply religious.