Transition metals Ni and Co, which are commonly used for growth of synthetic diamond by high-pressure high-temperature techniques, have been detected in diamond as individual atoms; the maximum concentration is 0.01% for Ni and even much less for Co.
The chemical vapor method is simple and cheap in comparison with the high-pressure technique used since the 1950's to make synthetic diamonds.
But they say the broad definition has served them well: For years, the agency has used the law to shut so-called bucket shops and boiler rooms, which use high-pressure techniques to sell precious metals contracts by phone to unwary small investors.
Charity fundraisers who cold call at houses have another high-pressure technique.
When diamonds are grown by the high-pressure high-temperature technique, nickel, cobalt or some other metals are usually added into the growth medium to facilitate catalytically the conversion of graphite into diamond.
Growth of single crystals of diamond and boron nitride by the high-pressure high-temperature technique.
The used-car trader, the insurance "consultant", the door-to-door sales person applying high-pressure techniques have all brought selling into disrepute.
It complained that the firm and its officers had engaged in price manipulation, made unauthorized trades in customer accounts, lied about previous professional experience, made exaggerated claims about stocks it sold and used high-pressure techniques to badger investors into buying or prevent them from selling stocks the firm was promoting.
We've licked that with a very high-pressure technique for forming it.
After World War I Bosch extended high-pressure techniques to the production of synthetic fuel and methanol.