Moreover, high-pressure sales of individual pension programs by insurance companies and other financial services groups in the early 1990's caused heavy losses for many people and cast a shadow over the entire process.
Attorney General Eliot L. Spitzer called the scheme a "classic boiler room operation," involving high-pressure sales calls, collusion among the dealers and huge markups, sometimes 10 times the value of the coins.
Saying no will require a show of strength from the legislative leaders, who have been barraged by high-pressure sales pitches and threats from construction unions, political allies and Olympics boosters.
The Oregon Department of Justice fined Vivent/APX $60,000 for "targeting elderly Oregonians with misleading and high-pressure sales tactics.
Congress and state legislatures have heard testimony of high-pressure sales, especially to the elderly; high fees; and repeated refinancing.
Same high-pressure sales pitch.
What may seem basic to most, but is easy to forget in the heat of the moment, is to ignore high-pressure sales pushes.
The reputation of time shares suffered in the 1980's as a result of high-pressure sales tactics and contracts seemingly intended to make resale difficult.
The Doorstep selling campaign aims to help older consumers deal with high-pressure sales tactics on the doorstep.
Some hospitals are outraged by the haughty $2,200 Genentech charges for one dose of TPA, and by its high-pressure sales tactics.