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Maybe go west, over a bank in a hick town out there.
Hick towns seem to be the same the universe over.
That was the trouble with hick towns, too many people knew your business.
No wonder he can't get out of that little hick town.
"It would have been like, oh, it's just a couple of hick towns playing each other."
"Then there was one from a hick town in Maryland.
"I told you we wasn't going to get it in a hick town like this.
Those soldiers had already sacked Washington, which was a small hick town of no importance.
When it came to fine dining, he wrote, New York was a "hick town."
Then he told me we'd be playing cities that would make New York look like a hick town."
"And they said, 'You're going to put a team in that hick town?' "
Nothing was proven, but a few years later, in 1804, he found himself transferred as priest to the hick town of Dolores.
But it is not a hick town.
"There is no more hick town," he says.
It's a clutch of hick towns, alien to each other, huddled in the same few square kilometers.
"If he's so good," Arch asked, "why did he leave Chicago for a hick town like this?"
I certainly been seeing some hick towns!
What are you, anyway, some hick town constable?
Because I'm leaving this hick town and you'll all stay, just live and die here and no one will ever remember you.
And I was born in a hick town in Kansas!"
Or to put it bluntly: New York, hick town or truly international city?
Just a hick town, I guess.
I suppose the whole 'Simpsons' thing is kind of like a hick town."
In the meantime, he's from some backwater hick town down in Louisiana."
"In our little hick town, you mean?"