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They had burrowed deeper and settled in for the hibernal sleep.
My initial forays into the hibernal darkness were not reassuring.
It was as if a subterranean beast of enormous size had shrugged in its hibernal sleep.
It was a visible resumption of the elemental life and activity so long suspended in hibernal night.
The commune has a bird migration along with the hibernal ones including ducks and waders.
It is also a major tourist centre with scores of ornithologists arriving here in the hibernal season.
The imagos had forgotten their previous existences, imprisoned for centuries in the hibernal earth.
The memory came from a secret vault where, even now, other memories stirred from their hibernal slumber.
It was that annual harbinger of the hibernal social season, the Winter Antiques Show.
It was late aRemoon, and the brief appearance that the hibernal Bajoran sun made each day had already passed.
A stiff hibernal breeze was now blowing through his still-open Hyperscreen frame, filling the bridge with smells of the sea.
Although the sun shone brightly from its oblique hibernal slant, the wind-chill factor was high and any exposed skin became vulnerable to frostbite.
The Latinate names estival solstice (summer) and hibernal solstice (winter) are sometimes used to the same effect, as are midsummer and midwinter.
The hibernal season coincides with the main period of biolological dormancy each year whose dates vary according to local and regional climates in temperate zones of the Earth.
Once considered a winter novelty associated with winter festivals throughout the northern United States and Canada, ice bowling is slowly growing into a more established sport in areas with hibernal climates.
After the hibernal bleakness of the Red Queen's sanctum, it was a relief to spend time in her office, which was painted in the soft colors of the American West.
Mild temperate regions tend to experience the beginning of the hibernal season up to a month later than cool temperate areas, while the prevernal and vernal seasons begin up to a month earlier.
Behind him, and to the right, the woman in the silk kimono knelt, head bowed, snow-white hands folded obediently in her lap, her eyes closed as if in the same hibernal slumber that gripped the azalea.
In times gone by, the F1 season would end and there would be a pause of several weeks before the RAC Rally (now Wales Rally GB) popped up to relieve motorsport fans of their hibernal starvation.
This monophyletic group of nymphaline butterflies inhabiting northern hemisphere are characterized by a jagged outline of their wings and the ability to survive the winter months as adults in an obligatory hibernal diapause, hiding in various shelters (e.g., crevices, hollows, cavities, even unheated buildings).
"As I remember," mused Vance, "in the hypothetical case you presented there were not only footprints but a dozen or more witnesses, including a youthful prodigy, who saw a figure of some kind cross the hibernal landscape. . . . Grau, teurer Freund, ist alle Theorie!