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The alumroot was ripped out of the ground and crunched to pieces, its juices squirting.
Common names include alumroot and coral bells.
Its common name is pink alumroot.
Next she tossed an alumroot.
It had been a small alumroot, not enough really to hurt the huge snake; and anyway, alum was not generally fatal.
Alum root or Alumroot is a common name for some species of two different groups of plants:
Heuchera elegans is a species of flowering plant in the saxifrage family known by the common name urn-flowered alumroot.
Heuchera villosa, the Hairy Alumroot, is a small evergreen perennial native to Appalachia.
Natives of the Northwest U.S. used a tonic derived from Alumroot roots to aid digestive difficulties.
Roundleaf catchfly (Silene rotundifolia) and littleflower alumroot (Heuchera parviflora) are common associates.
Other plants in the habitat include quaking aspen, fivepetal cliffbush kinnikinnick, common juniper, wax currant, littleflower alumroot, bigflower cinquefoil, mountain muhly, and needle and thread grass.
Wildflower species include Galium parishii, San Gabriel alumroot, gray monardella, pumice alpinegold, Parry's pussypaws, Nuttall's sandwort, Caulanthus.
USDA PLANTS PLANTS Profile - Heuchera villosa (hairy alumroot)
Heuchera americana, or Alumroot, is a small (under 2 ft. high and wide) evergreen perennial native to Central U.S. Lobed semi-palmate green, purple, or brown leaves are often veined or marbled.
Nirgal got even more interested in this matter of dispersal the next spring, in first November when the snows melted, and poking out of the late slush on the flat terraces of the northern side of the basin were sprigs of snow alumroot.
While many widespread Appalachian rock-outcrop species are shared between the two areas, openings on Dolly Sods lack the silvery nailwort, the white alumroot, and table-mountain pine, and instead support a greater species diversity, even including such wetland plants as the small cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos).
The exposed sandstone cliff edges so characteristic of the west side of North Fork Mountain support narrow zones of persistingly open, treeless habitat characterized by several unusual or regionally endemic plant species, including the silvery nailwort (Paronychia argyrocoma) and the white alumroot (Heuchera alba).
How can coral bells be two different plants at the same time?
But like all coral bells, they can and should be divided every few years.
This form of coral bells, with its deep purple foliage, has won many hearts in recent years.
What's more, coral bells have an extraordinarily long season of bloom for perennials.
As a result, the plant is not only showier than standard coral bells, but also more rugged in the garden.
Other possibilities include bleeding hearts, coral bells and early astilbe.
But coral bells have recently been liberated from the backstage and supporting roles in the garden.
Not that coral bells don't have lovely flowers.
The flashy new coral bells are gradually making their way into garden centers, or can be ordered by mail.
Coral bells (Heucheras) grow into thick clumps, too, and do better if they are divided up every few years.
Coral bells work beautifully in a northeastern garden.
Coral bells are sun lovers, especially in the North, and they do best in soil that is moist but well drained.
My sister suggested coral bells (Heuchera sanguinea), which got us both wondering about the song.
Silver Scrolls is a white-flowered variety, and coral bells also come in pinks.
Some nasty borer is eating hosta, coral bells and peonies.
To be honest, some of the newly introduced coral bells are a mite overdone for my taste.
Common names include alumroot and coral bells.
Those plants that grow from the base - plants like astilbes, columbines and coral bells.
Many perennials look a bit tattered after they're done blooming, but coral bells look fresh all season.
Coral bells are bushy, broad-leafed plants, and their flowers are typically red.
Ditto for coral bells, especially the Heuchera micranthas.
Most partial-shade gardeners fall heavily for coral bells (Heuchera sanguinea), because they are such hard workers.
Along with the showy astilbes, another handsome perennial is heuchera, or, as some may know it, coral bells.
MANY a gardener grows coral bells, but only a few do so for the sake of their flowers.
There's phlox on sale, coral bells, hosta, geraniums, of course; all from members' gardens.
As a case in point, consider the ever popular Palace Purple heuchera.
I then tucked some heuchera flowers between the foliage.
Now there is a new heuchera available with equally handsome purple-toned foliage.
But for summerlong display, it is the heuchera foliage that counts.
But there are around 50 other species of heuchera, and breeders have used several to create stunning new cultivars.
Gardeners and horticulturists have developed a multitude of hybrids between various Heuchera species.
Prairie heuchera, a coral bell relative, is indigenous to open spaces and can be found growing wild throughout the northern Midwest.
It pairs beautifully with the purple and gray marbled leaves on heuchera cultivars.
Since then, many other purple heuchera hybrids have been created, often with Montrose Ruby as a parent.
Although many new perennials will be seen this spring, be on the lookout for that old border-edger, Heuchera.
Along with the showy astilbes, another handsome perennial is heuchera, or, as some may know it, coral bells.
The larvae feed on Heuchera species.
Many of the newer cultivars are hybrids of several heuchera species, often including H. americana.
Plants commonly affected include clematis, camellia, hosta and heuchera.
Hillier has a new 'chameleon' heuchera bred in France called 'Tiramisu'.
It is a cross between Heuchera 'Freedom' with pink flowers and Tiarella wherryi.
Although the heuchera will not be in bloom for another month, the deep tones of its foliage set off the forget-me-not flowers and foliage magnificently.
It is the result of a cross between the genera Heuchera and Tiarella, and shows simliarities to both parents.
A further group of hybrids arose from crossing Heuchera with Tiarella, to form Heucherella.
Heuchera maxima is also cultivated as an ornamental plant for traditional, drought tolerant, native plant, and wildlife gardens.
Heuchera longiflora (N)
He is currently propagating some beautiful native species of several garden perennials including Heuchera, Jeffersonia and Trillum.
It spreads by runners, "and the fuzzy foliage looks like Heuchera," she said, adding, "It's almost a ground cover in woodland moist soil."
But coral bells, whose botanical name is heuchera (pronounced HEW-ker-ah), are usually valued most for their foliage.
Heuchera richardsoniana (alum root)
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