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As may be, this heroic treatment worked; I have not been bored since.
Let your heroic treatment of the last cream tarts be my example."
But sepsis as a consequence of heroic treatment does not constitute negligence.
I sipped at the beer, it still tasted just as repulsive, but even this heroic treatment produced no inspiration.
I was still recovering from the heroic treatment of the drive-right pill and had not collected all my wits.
A Crusoe condition requires heroic treatment.
Six hundred was the maximum exposure normally compatible with survival, though, with heroic treatment, higher exposures had been survived.
Why the heroic treatment for him but not for Robert Fulton or Alexander Hamilton?
To take the journey is perhaps too heroic treatment for the disease of conformity--the sort of malaria of our exclusive civilization.
Second, when a patient is near death, a doctor is not obliged to embark upon or continue heroic treatment which has no prospect of benefiting the patient.
In [Olympia] Riefenstahl gave the same heroic treatment to Jesse Owens..."
The bold and heroic treatment of the early history of Rome typifies the ambition and classicism of 17th century Flemish art.
(b) Heroic themes needed heroic treatment: great fullness and variety; splendid descriptions, long swelling speeches, the handling of violent incidents and emotions.
In Britain, such a declaration has no legal status, and decisions about continuing heroic treatments, even where there is no prospect of recovery or benefit, are left very much to clinical judgement.
Schumann felt that Schuncke's heroic treatment was an inappropriate reflection of the tender nature of the Schubert piece, so he set out to approach his Variations in a more intimate way.
Although such autologous bone marrow transplants were first used experimentally over a decade ago as heroic treatments for hopeless cases, researchers have only recently accumulated enough data to prove definitively that they work.
Because most pets cost less than most pet insurance deductibles, the financially minded person - heartless as it sounds to many pet lovers - might refuse heroic treatment if Rover gets run over.
Now he had Nell in the odd limbo of morality where doctors, himself included, willingly committed euthanasia, albeit the passive kind, withholding heroic treatment if it's either futile or against the patient's wishes, yet doing what's necessary for comfort.
In medicine, heroic treatment or course of therapy is one which possesses a high risk of causing further damage to a patient's health, but is undertaken as a last resort with the understanding that any lesser treatment will surely result in failure.
It must of been AWFUL for pore Miss Sellimer, all bound and gagged in that horrible way, but it takes heroic treatment to get some cures--and so Lahoma went with 'em to spend the winter."
Later he was to learn that this last-resort heroic treatment, gripping a matrix, was used only at the point of death; when stronger telepaths determined that without it, the sufferer might wander endlessly in the corridors of his own brain, cutting off all outside stimuli, until he died.
Moreover, I'd had no more than three hours' sleep the previous night, my mind was tired and a bit fuzzy round the edges and it was my hope that the admittedly heroic treatment of exposure to an Arctic blizzard might help to blow some of the cobwebs away.
If the patient is unconscious and will never regain consciousness, or is suffering from a progressive or fatal illness, then the respirator must be seen as heroic treatment and may be turned off, as in the case of Karen Quinlan, when it is no longer of any lasting benefit.
The immensely popular "Red Indian" stories by Karl May were permitted despite the heroic treatment of the hero Winnetou and "colored" races; instead, the argument was made that the stories demonstrated the fall of the Red Indians was caused by a lack of racial consciousness, to encourage it in the Germans.