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She had dark skin, a muscular body, fierce eyes, and hennaed hair.
She listed their names, ticking them off on the fingers of her hennaed hands.
Pass the iron over the hennaed part several times and it will darken each time.
Two pretty young girls passed him by, students by the look of them, and the one with long hennaed hair smiled.
The paste takes 24 hours to flake off and dry, leaving the hennaed design on the skin.
The elderly couple who had taken the stairs up instead of the elevator approached and the hennaed wife said, "Why can't we leave?"
A couple in their 20's, she with bright red lipstick and he with hennaed Elvis hair.
There was an overfullness to Lidia's hennaed hair and to her lips.
He looks like a slimmer Tom Arnold with hennaed hair and big brown eyes.
With long hennaed hair and wearing brown artificial-leather pants, she didn't look the least bit kawaii herself.
The image in the mirror was that of a narrow-faced woman with hennaed hair, and deep-set gray eyes.
The hennaed henpecker gave a triumphant toss of her head and trumpeted.
You've really flipped your hennaed cork this time.
As a free-for-all erupted between the two families, the bartered bride put her hennaed foot down.
Her hair is dyed platinum; his is hennaed red.
She was stocky, with a hennaed Afro haloing a round, chocolate face.
This time a small woman with hennaed hair and gray roots, wearing a bunny-print housedress, opened the door.
Her picture of hennaed hands projected on to a pair of Marigold gloves says it all.
She has a broad-beamed peasant air, thinning hennaed hair, ruddy cheeks.
Her hair was a hennaed tangle, her pale make-up laid on with a trowel.