It was at this time that he appeared in television commercials urging young fans asking for his autograph in an airport to refer to him henceforth as "Dr. Chapstick."
That is how I will refer to him henceforth.
I like the addiction comparison mostly because it is so extensible, much like reconstituted pork offal slurry, which I will henceforth refer to by an acronym (POS) comprised of its most important constituent parts.
Its new NOOKcolor e-reader-which I will henceforth refer to as the "Nook" out of protest at this absurd abuse of the alphabet-comes beautifully packaged in an elongated white cardboard box.
Early in 1918 these colours were reversed to come into line with French practice, so that red would henceforth refer to British trenches and blue to German ones.
But he never stood before the people as 'The Stroke' Fahy and he would be grateful if the media would henceforth refer to him by his proper name.
In 1938 the British government provided in the Eire (Confirmation of Agreements) Act 1938 that British legislation could henceforth refer to the Irish Free State as "Eire" (but not as "Ireland").
Thus, we investigated whether fusion to the sequence MGCTVS, which is present at the N-terminus of Gpa1 and which we will henceforth refer to as "Myr", could restore function to the mutant versions of Boi1 that are impaired in the ability to bind phospholipid.
In memory of Joe, we shall henceforth refer to dealers choice, 5 card stud with 2 down and 2 replace as "Joe's game".
To avoid confusion, I will henceforth refer to him as Mihai ("Michael"), because, as he later told me: "My father and mother wanted to name me Mihai instead of Mircea.