The area has always been known for apples, and it now grows dozens of heirloom varieties.
They are an heirloom variety and are excellent halved into a salad.
The park contains a small historic apple orchard with heirloom varieties.
When tomatoes are at their peak, Ms. Charles uses heirloom varieties.
Wild & Bare sells natural foods, including heirloom varieties of tea.
This heirloom variety was released in France in 1885.
The crops and livestock are all of historic heirloom varieties.
He set an additional eight heirloom varieties into the ground in 2000.
There are various heirloom varieties, including the Indian peach, which arrives in the latter part of the summer.
IF you are interested in growing heirloom varieties, here are a few organizations that sell them and some thoughts on what to order.