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A number of patents, many with respect to heat convection, are on his name.
This brings us to the subject of heat convection and heat loss.
We understand something about heat convection from the earth's core, but the breaking up of supercontinents is still an enigma."
Its heat convection is also minimal.
That doesn't happen in free fall. . . and neither does heat convection; that had been a serious problem, once.
Heat convection to the surrounding air, and thermal radiation are the primary modes of heat transport from the body.
The conductive component is measured under the same conditions as the heat convection but with a (hypothetically) stagnant (or motionless) fluid.
But while the plant's safety systems are not "perfectly passive," she said, "the overriding design is passive, based on natural physical forces," including gravity and heat convection.
Heat convection occurs when bulk flow of a fluid (gas or liquid) carries heat along with the flow of matter in the fluid.
This model adds an even heating convection oven, a three-setting Tri-Ring Element and a fifth heating element to the stovetop.
The dayside will be reduced to magma in seconds, and crustal heat convection will destroy everything on the far side in massive earthquakes leading to mantle rupture.
Because the space environment is essentially a vacuum, heat cannot be lost through heat convection, and can only be directly dissipated through thermal radiation, a much slower process.
Most theories suppose that the electrically conductive liquid iron in the outer core is in constant motion driven by the Coriolis effect, heat convection and other possible mechanisms.
Gas-filled tubes such as thyratrons may also use a shiny metal anode, since the gas present inside the tube allows for heat convection from the anode to the glass enclosure.
Sometimes "convection" is even used to refer specifically to "free heat convection" (natural heat convection), as opposed to forced heat convection.
The idea is that the star, even at luminosities below the Eddington limit, would have insufficient heat convection in the inner layers, resulting in a density inversion potentially leading to a massive explosion.
The cause of magma chamber failure occurs when the pressure of ice pressing down on Earth is greater than the pressure being exerted on the magma chamber from heat convection in the mantle.
Values of the Biot number smaller than 0.1 imply that the heat conduction inside the body is much faster than the heat convection away from its surface, and temperature gradients are negligible inside of it.
The rate of entropy production has been shown to be a non-monotonic function of time during the approach to steady state heat convection, which contradicts the proposal that it is an extremum in the optimum non-equilibrium state.
Examples include the Apollo Command Module that protected astronauts from the heat of atmospheric reentry and the Kestrel second stage rocket engine designed for exclusive use in an environment of space vacuum since no heat convection is possible.
But although the mantle plume theory of heat convection is widely accepted, "there is no direct evidence for the existence of plumes," according to Dr. Michael E. Wysession of Washington University in St. Louis, a leading geophysicist.
True geothermal heat, when used for heating, requires a circulation pump but no heat pump, since for this technology the ground temperature is higher than that of the space that is to be heated, so the technology relies only upon simple heat convection.