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Throughout the 4.5-billion-year history of the earth, the heat balance has changed.
As you can see the detailed heat balance will be rather complicated.
Neither has much effect on the earth's heat balance.
Anyway, whatever mass you burn up, a lot of the energy just gets transferred to the earth's heat balance.
These new physical methods based on heat balance were quickly adopted by climatologists around the world.
Your steady state temperature is determined by that radiative heat balance.
It depends - it's all about long-term heat balance.
In addition, some spy satellites gather infrared data, which could perhaps also be used to monitor the earth's heat balance.
The matter of heat balances is important to the entire theme of this book (see Chapter 5).
He could not look at growth rates, or heat balance, or energy-production mechanisms.
This experiment demonstrated the impact of cloud cover on the heat balance of the Earth.
But then, according to the Wolling model, more carbon would remain in the atmosphere to keep a heat balance.
We know from the heat balance equation that:
The world's heat balance had paused on a kind of thermal plateau, water's energy of crystallization.
From a simplified heat balance around the cooling tower:
It was developed using principles of heat balance and experimental data collected in a controlled climate chamber under steady state conditions.
The water below the ice remains liquid since geothermal heating balances the heat loss at the ice surface.
Hurricanes help to maintain the global heat balance by moving warm, moist tropical air to the mid-latitudes and polar regions.
For that reason, FCC units are often referred to as being 'heat balanced'.
In response to an increase in core temperature, there are a variety of factors which adapt in order to help restore heat balance.
Clouds in the tropics, for instance, differ from those in the temperate zones, and they affect the planet's heat balance differently.
But heat balances were changing as Helliconia moved nearer to Freyr.
Another key factor for the occurrence of the larvae of the blue-wing Demoiselle is the heat balance of the water.
Thus, said Dr. Ramanathan, higher clouds might upset the tropical heat balance and exacerbate the greenhouse effect.
Yet atmospheric water is one of the most important greenhouse gases controlling the radiation and heat balance of the earth, Dr. Parkinson said.