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I do a lot of peripheral heart action with her.
"I tell you the heart action is splendid," was the answer.
There seemed to be no heart action at all.
"Now that you mention it, there was still some heart action after I reached him.
I can't detect any heart action even with the amplifier.
His heart action was properly started, and then it was only a question of time.
"You'd expect a doctor to listen for heart action with a stethoscope, wouldn't you?"
But I want a continuous check on heart action and respiration until you are living a normal life.
Ordinary heart action sounds like a cataract through this instrument.
"Joan, your heart action should be higher than normal-under the circumstances."
His respiration and heart action will be watched carefully.
Heart action like that of the girl Helen.
Otherwise its toxicity would probably be fatal to your heart action.'
We'll just rest awhile, make sure your heart action is back to normal, and then we'll go back.
Two electrodes on a device may measure heart action and serve as a portable electrocardiagram.
For a moment the sound of his lung and heart action was overpoweringly loud in his ears.
"Have you a good steady heart action?"
"You must know," he said, "that with the transfer, the extreme power of the alien minds will drive heart action dangerously high.
"You die in four to eight minutes if your heart action is not restored," Dr. Cummings said.
After each taking of the capsules, however, effort is allowable for a limited period, due to the stimulus of heart action.
When his respiration and heart action gave positive proof of deep sleep, the music faded out unobtrusively, shut off without so much as a click.
He felt for heart action.
The doctors now predicted not only complete loss of muscle tone, but bone damage, and even a deterioration of heart action.
Panic attacks can also be accompanied by disturbance in heart action and feelings of desperation and angst.
Heart action is slow.