Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
The Act requires employers to supply their workers with a hazard-free workplace.
Evidently, these agencies do not share the Mayor's belief that such work is generally hazard-free.
For our part, we want an agriculture which respects natural mechanisms, and so supplies the peoples of Europe with hazard-free food.
Many areas that appear to be hazard-free on current maps may merely by passing through a temporary period of quiescence.
There is no hazard-free way of producing large quantities of energy, so we have to conserve it.
Terrain is hazard-free and easy on the paws.
The primary factor for classifying the par of a relatively straight, hazard-free hole is the distance from the tee to the green.
Perhaps for her holiday gift I should just search my cupboards for little-used and hazard-free articles.
Hazard-free terrain that's easy on the paws.
The performances were not hazard-free: Mr. Steinberg, untypically, was having trouble with intonation.
I am fascinated by the idea of having a totally hazard-free hydrogen cycle in which hydrogen is ultimately produced from renewable energies and then vaporised.
Regulations of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration require employers to provide hazard-free workplaces.
A. The general duty clause of the OSHA Act says that every employer shall provide a hazard-free place of work.
"No one considers jumping from an airplane several thousand feet in the air to be hazard-free, yet neither the Government nor the health charities have tried to 'educate' skydivers about their dangerous behavior."
If you know of a source for chemistry experiments that are interesting, relatively hazard-free, relatively foolproof, and do not need much equipment (especially not a hood), I would love to hear about it.
Because of its hazard-free approaches and relatively flat terrain, surveyor reports indicated a site a little more than twenty five miles southeast of Ladd Army Airfield to be the best in the vicinity for military aviation.
"Putting it all in perspective, my opinion at this point is that it should be possible to guarantee hazard-free operation of the reactors as they exist now simply by altering the intensity profiles of the beams, and perhaps by using a redesigned pellet.
All those who engage in extractive work, or who make incisions in nature, are also under an obligation to leave behind them tidy, orderly and, above all, hazard-free land when their work is done, so it is right that the plans should include a contractual provision for renaturation and recultivation with effect from the commencement of work.