Blue glimmers represented frail harvesting machines -Emerson had seen graphic images and recognized the gossamer sails.
This harvester combined all the steps included in earlier harvesting machines, and McCormick's time-saving invention allowed farmers to more than double their crop size and spurred innovations in farm machinery.
A harvesting machine brought from Britain in March to clear Port Bell was too small for the job.
And they could finally afford a down payment to replace their old rattletrap of a combine with a younger harvesting machine, priced at $17,500.
A veritable harvesting machine!
Coordinating the harvest can be challenging because many Korean farmers have small paddy fields in a number of locations around their villages, and modern harvesting machines are sometimes shared between extended family members.
The green globe artichoke, the most common variety, can be grown only from cuttings and does not yield to the methodical motions of an insensible harvesting machine.
SKY is harvested on the planet of Moloc with huge harvesting machines defended by enemy sky bikers and formidable defense towers.
Now, with passage of time many who worked as labourer are in possession of tractors, zeeps, cars and their own harvesting machine, implements, tube wells.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to get manual labour for farm work including harvest when huge harvesting machines are pressed into service.