There are jackets with delicate crocheted edges, jackets cut like truncated trench coats, baseball and motorcycle jackets, and that hardly exhausts the list.
While HBO has already reaped sizable profits from about a million DVD sales of the first season of "The Sopranos," as well as revenue from rental outlets for videocassettes of the first three seasons, these sales hardly exhaust the show's potential.
The foreign-domestic distinction, however, hardly exhausts the diversity of the 100 or so utility sector funds in the Morningstar data base.
His use of chains cannot help evoke the experience of slavery, but that hardly exhausts the material's meaning.
These efforts were represented in the Metropolitan Museum of Art's 1984 Burchfield retrospective, but that hardly exhausts their potential to illuminate his sources, work process and, again, his development.
But on the art front, at least, it hardly exhausts its immense subject; how could it?
The works by Beethoven in C minor hardly exhaust the set of emotionally stormy minor-key works by this composer; some useful comparisons would include the piano sonatas Op.
These shows hardly exhaust the subject of contemporary abstract painting, nor do they include much in the way of genuinely unknown or emerging painters.
On a recent sorbet-and-ices shopping spree at seven stores in New York and Washington, I purchased 76 varieties from 20 manufacturers and hardly exhausted what was available.