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The haptor, in the posterior part of the body, is a specialized organ used to attach to the host.
As in most diplectanids, the haptor bears special, characteristic, structures called squamodiscs.
They are uniquely characterized by their haptor having a lot of tiny clamps on the lateral margins.
This involves a leechlike movement in which the haptor and the head are alternately used as the organ of attachment.
As most other polyopisthocotyleans, members of the family Protomicrocotylidae have posterior clamps on their haptor.
The haptor bears two squamodiscs, one ventral and one dorsal.
In the Polyopisthocotylea, the haptor usually bears several clamps or suckers, and is often asymmetrical.
The haptor is the attachment organ of the monogeneans, a group of parasitic Platyhelminthes.
In the Monopisthocotylea, the haptor comprises a single, symmetrical attachment unit, and has never haptoral clamps.
The body is 4.5-6.1 millimetres in length, elongate, and it includes, like all monogeneans, a posterior attachment organ called haptor.
The posterior attachment organ or haptor, which attaches the worm to the host, is asymmetrical and has three pairs of small hooks.
The locomotion step of E. soleae on the skin sole starts through elongation of the body with the haptor attached.
There are, typically, two squamodiscs, one ventral and one dorsal, located on the haptor of the monogenean.
The parasite attaches to the fish by a large specialized posterior attachment organ, the haptor which has sixteen sharp hooks located around its margin.
In the family Diplectanidae, the haptor bears special structures (one ventral and one dorsal) called squamodiscs or lamellodiscs.
There was little evidence of bacterial involvement in the wounds, but bacterial microcolonies were observed on the body surface and haptor of G. salmonis.
Fourteen marginal hooks (10 lateral, 2 posterior, 2 ventral) occur in the haptor, and rudiments of the hamuli are not present.
Entobdella soleae utilizes suction through a posterior disc-shaped haptor to achieve semi-permanent attachment to the skin of the sole.
As most monogeneans, they are flat, with an anterior head bearing four oculi and head glands, a main elongate body and a posterior haptor.
The anterior structures are collectively termed the prohaptor, while the posterior ones are collectively termed the opisthaptor, or simply haptor.
The ventral surface of the haptor is also smooth with the bare extremities of the accessory sclerites and the anterior and posterior hamuli protruding.
Urocleidus adspectus Mueller, 1936 (Ancyrocephalinae) was transmitted experimentally to Perca flavescens and development of its haptor studied at 20 °C.
Ten to 12 lateral and 2 median gland cells empty on the prohaptor and 4 posterior gland cells empty on the haptor.
She is also noted for describing an entirely new attachment mechanism in the form of net-like structures formed by secretions from the haptor of some of her worms.
The monophyly of the Capsalidae is supported by possession of accessory sclerites in the haptor (the posterior attachment organ), and was confirmed by molecular phylogeny.