Directly ahead on their course was an irregular formation of stars that seemed to hang motionlessly in the depths of the universe.
The ageless machine seemed to hang motionlessly for a moment, like a true goose just before its feet touched water.
Dark clouds hung motionlessly in this red-tinged sky-clouds that had not been there before.
It curved almost vertically upward, then remained hanging motionlessly in the air for a moment-whereupon it dropped like a stone into the deeps.
The mist drifted past them in trailing wisps, broken free of the wall that hung motionlessly over the empty reaches of the moor.
His head and one arm hung motionlessly over the bale, and Montana saw the hay darkening with blood.
Up beyond the altar, the ecclesiastical and national flags hung motionlessly side by side, church and state aligned.
The marauder ship moved towards its destination as the three great vessels of the Ferengi hung motionlessly in space.
It seemed to hang motionlessly over my head, the propeller rotating slowly like a toy aircraft's.
There were just a few transparent dust shapes above the bushes, seemingly hanging there motionlessly.