In 2006, the base rate for advertising was US$15 per inch per column and US$700 for a half-page advertisement.
A half-page advertisement Tuesday in The Union-Leader, the Manchester newspaper, will urge, "Don't waste your vote on a second choice."
It recently paid for half-page advertisements in Delhi newspapers that urged families to convert their homes into bed-and-breakfast operations, which can charge about $35 a night.
The friends also took out a half-page advertisement in the programme to wish Andy good luck and were able to pick the man of the match.
Following an article in which drug experts warn that dog worming tablets and water oxygenating pills are being passed off as Ecstasy, there was a half-page advertisement.
Internet dialogue and a half-page advertisement in a local tourist magazine have brought many people to Ms. Borges in search of a dog for a day.
The half-page advertisement was placed by Mobilize Now, organizer of an abortion rights rally planned for Sunday near the Lincoln Memorial.
Gourmet runs a half-page advertisement in each issue, promoting the chef who is to appear that month.
This week's TV Guide carries a half-page advertisement showing the two actors in a suggestive embrace.
Within a week of the explosion Williams Bailey, a law firm based in Houston, Texas, placed half-page advertisements in a local newspaper.