It was a noisy night with winds gusting to well over 40 knots, but no one had any hair-raising experiences.
And if someone would sort out the public transport system, which is, by all accounts, a rather hair-raising experience in the small hours.
The constable guarding the house reports a hair-raising experience.
The events of their last trip were still fresh in his mind, and he wanted no part of another hair-raising experience like that one.
Eventually I untangled them and muttered something to him about it having been a hair-raising experience.
You can see how everything was conspiring to give me a hair-raising experience.
During our launch, we had a hair-raising experience.
Or the hair-raising experience of shooting the rapids.
She said she had a few hair-raising experiences, mainly from people who have had too much to drink.
After a number of hair-raising experiences they returned to the safety of Peking in early 1912.