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Jason didn't make a good haggler; he was too impatient.
A common example of this interaction is the haggler and shopkeeper.
Winning prize money, however, was not enough for Haggler.
"Gottenyu, you're the toughest haggler I've run into in a while.
There's a merchant there who's an even worse haggler than Belek."
But the bureau's rating system still mystifies the Haggler.
I like a good deal but am not a good haggler, I find it embarrassing.
My opinion is also that I'm no haggler."
With a bit of pluck and patience, you may even unearth deals that would make the best haggler proud.
The boy grinned, sensing a true haggler.
The traveling merchant was a fierce haggler.
I'd have paid the first price, but I knew she was a haggler, from a long line of people who knew how to drive a hard bargain.
Not because of his little-known penchant for pigeon pie or because he was an expert haggler.
Instead, we were treated to a display of opportunism that would make a hardened Deveel haggler envious.
It is generally written in a semi-3rd person style, in which he refers to himself as 'The Haggler' rather than 'I'.
"The Haggler" generally hews to this format: A reader-submitted question is given a quick introduction, then printed, usually in excerpted form.
A salesman's 'lust for settlement' is an important weapon when the haggler goes shopping, but the authors advise haggling over seconds rather than on top-quality goods.
HAGGLER A chicken peddler, one who buys and sells chickens.
The Haggler's Handbook, by Leonard Koren and Peter Goodman.
David Segal (reporter), The New York Times columnist and author of "The Haggler"
He is the author of "The Haggler", a bi-weekly column in the Sunday edition of The New York Times.
If the haggler wants a deal and the shopkeeper wants a sale, the haggler must carefully choose a price for the shopkeeper to consider.
Under the guidance of former heavyweight champion Michael Moorer, Wach began his 2-month training camp in preparation for his matchup with Jonathan Haggler.
Scott Boras, the agent responsible for negotiating Kevin Brown's record-setting $105 million contract, went through law school and honed his skill as a haggler with nearly two decades of experience.
The till was now 20 deep with impatient customers clutching their coffee pots and blenders - and then I discovered the real bane of the shop assistant's life: The Haggler.