But several proposals drew vehement objections from members.
She shows deep affection for Ho-jae, despite the vehement objections from her parents, particularly when he was about to serve the army.
Claude Drumm got to his feet with a vehement objection.
Claude Drumm was on his feet with a vigorous and vehement objection.
The commission's decision came amid vehement objections from some television manufacturers, who said they would appeal it in federal court.
There were vehement objections to the use of herbicides in this reservoir.
The proposal drew vehement objections from civil liberties groups.
Over vehement objections of some board members, Boards 1 and 2 approved a Kmart project.
He became a Blue House spokesman despite vehement objections on February 24, 2013.
In the 1930's, Social Security and unemployment insurance were introduced over the vehement objections of conservatives.