The smashing and crashing was definitely closer now, and accompanied by guttural screams.
The gallery was filled with smoke, the guttural screams and crackling sounds coming from the chamber occupied by the secretary, Cosmas.
It was too little too late, as with a guttural scream LuAnn pounced.
For a moment that seemed frozen in time, Archer felt resistance, then saw a violet-hued spray and heard a guttural scream.
But as this one flew over the group it uttered one long, guttural scream that caused three of the thieves to drop their knives.
With a guttural scream, the gunner dropped into the shelter of the armored trunk, leaving the fifty to swing wildly.
One of the apemen saw her, let out a guttural scream of rage and bounded toward her.
Susan came with a guttural scream.
He could hear high, freezing winds, silvery laughter, moans, and guttural screams.
I turned and she cried out in her distorted way, ottering a guttural scream that reverberated through my body.