It is the forerunner of today's anti-aircraft gun carriers.
It said the gun carrier had a mustache, which Mr. Graves does not.
The enemy line appeared to be broken, the defenders dead or fleeing the blue-clad troops now moving past the slower gun carriers.
Maybe that would make some of the strip-club crawlers, domestic abusers and gun carriers think twice.
Heavy armoured gun carriers descended out of the night on their antigrav beams.
Gun advocates are relying on a lawsuit by the attorney general or a gun carrier to open campuses to weapons.
A Russian antiaircraft gun carrier came over the ridge.
Usually gun carriers thread their belts through a leather loop on the holster.
The voice had an accent, but it wasn't as thick as that of the gun carrier.
An armored gun carrier appeared between us and the building, firing even as it thudded to the ground.