Some preparations may render certain poisonous mushrooms fit for consumption.
In 1558 he became very ill through eating poisonous mushrooms, and did not recover fully for two years.
Lethal webcaps one of world's most poisonous mushrooms belongs to the group.
Singer is a poisonous mushroom in the family of Agaricaceae.
Medicine - This command will heal any chicks under the effect of poisonous mushrooms.
The city is like a garden full of poisonous mushrooms that needs drastic weeding.
There are many folk traditions concerning the defining features of poisonous mushrooms.
The same could happen with poisonous mushrooms, such as amanita muscaria.
He was to die tragically on 10 April 1916, together with his sister, after a meal of poisonous mushrooms.
It has been suggested that poisonous mushrooms were used.