Across the floor a group of nomes swarmed around the slowly moving bulk of the battery.
Victoria signaled to someone outside the door, and a group of technicians swarmed in and began removing the disks from the walls and ceiling.
A few groups of cavalry had gotten grapnels up on the battlements and were swarming, slowly and carefully, up the lines.
A group of indignant plainclothes police officers swarmed in and herded us outside.
Curtis waited as a group of Japanese tourists swarmed through the door in front of him, and headed over to the elevators.
A group of men, both white and black and many from Oberlin, swarmed the hotel to rescue runaway slave John Price.
As the two women sat down, a group of six F.B.I. agents and lawyers, all wearing suits and ties, swarmed around them.
A group of retired men were swarming over her house like yellowjackets on a picnic table.
The man tried to run, he said, but fell in the street, and the group swarmed around him, fists and feet flying.
He and Jiahua crouched in the well-manicured shrubbery at the edge of the green and watched the group swarm the helicopter.