Interest rates have peaked and should start falling this spring, a group of private economists predicted today.
The group had predicted a peak load of 30,200 megawatts for the summer months, but it has not yet been reached.
This summer, chemical industry officials and environmental groups predict, the agreement will likely be strengthened to a complete ban on production by 2000.
The group predicted as many as 50,000 cases, half of whom could die.
A group of business economists today predicted further economic expansion next year but warned that there would be higher inflation, too.
Another large group, 60 perccent, predicted that unemployment would increase.
One group, headed by Charles Russell, predicted the end of the world in 1914.
These are the hues that the group formally predicts will be popular two years down the line.
The group predicted demand in 1990 would decline from 1988 levels.
His group predicted a temporary 40- to 80-cent increase in gasoline prices.