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"The process is ever more frequently accompanied by gross violations of the law."
To repeat, a problem only arises if there are gross violations of the law and conflicts with public order.
On a more serious occasion the opponents would have objected to this gross violation of the law, but they did no more than raise eyebrows.
Marines captured during this operation were subsequently summarily executed by the Japanese, in gross violation of the laws of war.
The commission confirmed that the investigators had committed "gross violations of the law", but shifted the ultimate blame on to the Procuracy for failing to exercise proper supervision.
The charges against Mr. Zhivkov were brought by a commission appointed by the Bulgarian National Assembly to investigate "gross violations of the law and abuse of power."
Belarus's actions were gross violations of the law of nations and universally accepted norms of the international law of human rights, including laws prohibiting hostage-taking and state-sponsored terrorism.