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The band supports green anarchism issues and has had little attention from music critics.
Green anarchism, or ecoanarchism, is a school of thought within anarchism which puts a particular emphasis on environmental issues.
Veganarchism is the political philosophy of veganism (more specifically animal liberation) and green anarchism.
Party members chose a radically decentralized party structure, and for several years a kind of green anarchism prevailed.
In green anarchism and anarcho-primitivism, humans are said to be "civilized" or "domesticated" by civilization.
His thought is an early influence on green anarchism, but with an emphasis on the individual experience of the natural world, influencing later naturist currents.
Russian christian anarchist and anarcho-pacifist Leo Tolstoy is also recognized as an early influence in green anarchism.
They have been linked, ideologically and in their activism with radical environmentalism, green anarchism and pacifism.
It is further described as an anti-speciesist perspective on green anarchism, or an anarchist perspective on animal liberation.
Green anarchism and Anarcho-primitivism in particular have both derived inspiration and ecological points-of-view from the writings of Thoreau.
Henry David Thoreau (Green anarchism)
Green politics is usually said to include the green anarchism, eco-anarchism, anti-nuclear and peace movements - although these often claim not to be aligned with any party.
Many also identify with related theoretical positions such as anarchist communism, Situationist theory, autonomism, post-left anarchy, anarcho-primitivism, and green anarchism.
The magazine Green Anarchist was for a while the principal voice in the UK advocating green anarchism, an explicit fusion of libertarian socialist and ecological thinking.
Ulrike Heider, a syndicalist, categorized anarchism into left anarchism, right anarchism (anarcho-capitalism), and green anarchism.
Zerzan is an anarchist, and is broadly associated with the philosophies of anarcho-primitivism, green anarchism, anti-civilisation, post-left anarchy, neo-luddism, and in particular the critique of technology.
Green anarchism (or eco-anarchism) is a school of thought within anarchism that emphasizes environmental issues, with an important precedent in anarcho-naturism, and whose main contemporary currents are anarcho-primitivism and social ecology.
Notable contemporary writers espousing green anarchism include Derrick Jensen, Jaime Semprun, George Draffan, John Zerzan, Starhawk and Alan Carter.
Shortly afterwards he left to start another magazine Alternative Green, which continued to promote his own particular view of green anarchism, and eventually became closely linked to the National-Anarchist movement from the mid-90s onwards.
Many with similar views avoid involvement even with green politics as compromising simplicity, however, and advocate forms of green anarchism that attempt to implement these principles at a smaller scale, e.g. the ecovillage.
Proponents of feminism, postmodernism, the ecology movement, peace movement, Green politics, green anarchism and anti-globalization movement have used the term to describe very different ideas, all external to some equally ill-defined "mainstream" economics.
Alternative Green continued to promote Hunt's own vision of green anarchism, and due to his policy of publishing articles from across the political spectrum, Alternative Green was strongly attacked by many anarchists and socialists.
In 2008, Spencer Sunshine argued that National-Anarchism is a new version of the fascist right, influenced by Third Positionism, Nouvelle Droite, and primitivist green anarchism, whose main ideological innovation is a stateless palingenetic ultranationalism.
Simon Friend explaining the origins of the band's name: Simon Friend interview at the Hebredian Celtic Festival Strongly interested and outspoken about green anarchism issues the band have built up a strong and devoted fanbase, despite being nearly universally ignored by mainstream critics.