The Economist reported on empirical research that supports the claim that simplified tax systems lead to greater compliance.
Previous research has demonstrated that increased patient-centered behavior by physicians leads to greater compliance of patients' at-home medical care, such as taking pills.
Results show significantly greater compliance to requests that included the metacommunicative statement.
There are many methods used by authorities, in places where the speed limits are not generally observed, to attempt to achieve greater compliance.
Q. Is there any hope that the recent wave of scares in Europe will lead to greater compliance?
The Labor Department has recently informed unions that it expects far greater compliance in filling out those forms.
State law can require greater compliance, but not less than what is otherwise required by the GLB.
Higher level safety integrity levels require greater compliance in all three areas.
We will also revamp enforcement strategies to achieve greater compliance across the board.
To insure greater compliance on juror summonses, a second notice will be sent out if a form has not been returned within six weeks.