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It can be used as a powder or in granular form.
The product, sold in granular form, is put into the ground with the seeds.
It can also be stored in granular form for long periods.
In its granular form, a single grain will kill a bird.
The product will be available in a granular form for ease of application.
It is easy to take either as a food in the granular form or when encapsulated.
If you buy it in granular form, follow mixing directions on the package.
Most fertilizers are formulated in granular form for easy spreading.
A. Casoron and some trifluralin products are available in granular form.
They are produced in dust-free granular form for ease of handling.
The metal appeared to be in granular form.
Urea is a popular dry granular form of nitrogen fertilizer.
The matrix, although classified as a solid, is not in a powdery or granular form.
Fertilisers are available either in tablet or granular form to suit your requirements.
For petroleum-contaminated sites this material is usually activated carbon in granular form.
In its granular form it is used to eradicate insects on crops such as rice and corn.
Canderel is available in both tablet and granular forms.
It is a white, dry, non-volatile, inorganic acid in granular form.
Typically in granular form, pellets are distributed on the surface of stagnant water locations.
A slurry reactor contains the catalyst in a powdered or granular form.
In granular form to add insulation to skylights.
One of his findings was that pigments can only be easily assimilated by living organisms if they are in granular form.
Preferred shipping is by double walled 25 kg bags in granular form; 5.
Fertilizers are available in liquid or granular form and come in many different combinations of nutrients.
Phorate is most commonly applied in granular form.